Learn English with the British Council and you’ll be learning with the world’s English experts. We’ve been teaching English for more than 75 years and have helped more than 100 million people in 100 different countries improve their English skills and build their confidence.
You can learn English by taking face-to-face lessons in our teaching centers or at home via our online courses and learning tools. And we can demonstrate your progress by providing you with internationally recognized proficiency tests.
Explore our unrivalled range of courses and support to meet your exact learning needs.
Teaching English. Testing proficiency. Supporting learning.
Give your child the best start in life with our popular courses and online support for kids and teens. They are specially designed to be fun, interactive and very effective.
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Maximise your opportunities with our English and IELTS courses, tests and online resources. We’re uniquely positioned to help you get the grade you need for your education journey.
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Realize your full potential at work by communicating effectively in the world’s business language. Our targeted approach for business English ensures your learning is focused and relevant.
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Transform your business with our training courses and online learning solutions. With training plans tailored to your exact needs, we’ll help you take your company to the next level.
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